WATCH: This Super Lazy Dog Doesn't Care About Your Cleaning Path

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Wanna see lazy dog who doesn't care even when you're trying to clean your house?

Most dogs see vacuums as insidious, frightening creatures that they must escape as far from as would be prudent or else succumb to their noisy, buzzing ways. I recall my enormous, valiant yellow labrador essentially transforming again into a puppy each time spring cleaning came around.

In any case, this amusingly lethargic fellow couldn't give a rodent's bum when he ends up in the way of a Roomba vacuum. He basically can't be tried to move, and its most likely the silliest thing you'll see throughout the day.

You can just about hear the Roomba saying, "Um, pardon me?" as it endeavors to work around the relaxing pup, however he's much excessively dedicated, making it impossible to his snooze time to translate it as much else besides a minor disturbance.

Perhaps that is the way to getting over your reasons for alarm: be excessively apathetic, making it impossible to give a second thought!